Sunday, September 16, 2012


Well, I think ya all have read something about these benches lately:
It´s the Blackriver “Streetbench” on the left and the KL-Wood “Streetbench” on the right.
The design seems to be the same in general, but if you compare those benches the´re not the same.
A lot people yelling at Blackriver they copied this bench from KL-Wood and Blackriver told us, it´s inspired by skateboarding. In my opinion both benches are inspired by skateboarding and I won´t take any postion in this discussion, if you like the red one, buy the KL-Wood and if you like the wood one, buy the Blackriver.
I just wanna tell you somethig more to think about:
When I´ve started fingerboardTV, there weren´t that much fingerboard sites up the web. TODAY there are a lot sites online, some of them still copy fingerboardTV 100% and some not, but at least every single “author” is writing down youtube comments like “It´s on!”. You should know, I started this, now everyone is doing this. Do I yell because of this?
Some of the sites started as FBTV copy and they get now support from all the big companies, they got webshops, they earn money +++, is this fair? I don´t think so. We´re still a no budget project.
Another thing: You all know Berlinwood? The first real fingerboard company for wooden fingerboards! Please start counting how many companies are out there with the second word “wood”. This is insane. Timo yells at everyone??? Is this fair? I don´t think so.
Another thing: How many companies copy unique Blackriver-Ramps? Martin yells at everyone??? Is this fair? I don´t think so.
Another thing: Flaki started engraving fingerboard decks by hand with some really dope stuff! Now many companies got engraved boards. Flaki yells at everyone??? Is this fair? I don´t think so.
Another thing: Harry started filming his ASI Berlin videos on granite. Now every kid got granite and copys the Harrics look. Harry yells at everyone??? Is this fair? I don´t think so.
Another thing: Have you seen the shit load of Flashbone bag fakes??? Milan yells at everyone??? Is this fair? I don´t think so.
Another thing: Winkler Wheels. Look at the huge load of pro fingerboard wheels out there. Well, Winkler did almost everything at first in fingerboard wheel technology. Martin yells at everyone??? Is this fair? I don´t think so.
These are just some examples I´ve choosen. I could tell you even more than hundred things about copy/fake/whatever situations in fingerboarding. Look around the internet, you´ll find a lot!
Think about it!
Feel free and discuss in the comments below but please think about: everybody got the right to be of another opinion.

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